Spring Forward with San Diego Grout Cleaning

 In San Diego Grout Cleaning

This Sunday, March 14, will usher in Daylight Saving Time and the countdown to the first day of spring.  Historically, springtime symbolizes a season of renewal, and a time to refresh our homes.

When you undertake tasks of decluttering, repainting, and chores outside your home this spring, don’t forget to add San Diego grout cleaning to your to-do list.  Actually, you can add your grout cleaning to The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro’s to do list!

San Diego grout cleaning for springtime renewal.

While you see to cleaning out closets and reorganizing your whole home, The Grout Medic can rid your icky grout of the last year or two of build-up.  If it’s been a while since you last hired a professional grout cleaning company, or if you grout has never been professionally cleaned, you might notice that it looks dingy.  Wondering what causes this lackluster aesthetic?

What does professional grout cleaning remove from grout?

There are a few things that make your grout appear a different color than the original.  The first thing that makes your grout dingy is obvious – dirt.  Tiled floors are notorious for showing dirt throughout the grout lines.  Dirt from shoes and pet paws will build up over time and create a dull grout appearance.  Even if you walk on your floors barefoot, you are still contributing to dingy floor grout.  Oils and sweat are absorbed into your grout from bare feet.  So, requiring everyone to take their shoes off at the door will not prevent grout from dirtying.

Oils and skin cells can contribute to dirty grout.

In the shower, dull grout can be caused by dirt, skin cells, soap scum, and minerals from your water.  Even municipal water contains minerals, which can build up over time.  Showers can also harbor mildew and mold.

Soap gets us clean but can make grout dirty

Your grout cleaning can make grout appear dirty too!

All the grout in your home can be affected by cleaning products, which result in a dull appearance.  Each time you clean a tiled surface, you are essentially pushing surface dirt and contaminants into the pores of your grout.  While some of the dirt can be wiped away with regular grout cleaning, it cannot be wiped or scrubbed completely clean.  What’s more, harsh cleaners can leave behind a film of their own.  Therefore, The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro recommends a professional grout cleaning every year or two – or as needed for high-traffic surfaces.

Also read: Does bleach clean grout?

Spring forward with a fresh, clean home!  If you are ready to discuss your San Diego grout cleaning, get in touch with The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro.  Call us at 619-773-0093 or email sandiego@thegroutmedic.com.

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