Can you caulk over old caulk?

 In Recaulking San Diego

San Diego recaulking is a project best left to The Grout Medic.  Putting new caulk over old caulk is not the answer.

San Diego recaulking do-it-yourselfers are finding that applying new caulk is not as simple as they thought.  When performing online research about putting new caulk around their tubs, showers, and sinks it is often recommended to simply caulk over top of old caulk.  Is this really the solution?

San Diego recaulking: Can you caulk over old caulk?

If you are thinking of completing your recaulking by simply applying new caulk over your old caulk, The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro implores you to reconsider.  Online recommendations for this process include creating a new caulk bead that is larger than the original, so the new caulk properly adheres to your tiled surface.  The most common mistake that do-it-yourselfers make is putting on too much caulk.  This creates an eyesore at best, but it’s more than that.

What else can go wrong with your DIY San Diego recaulking project?

Let’s say for the sake of information and full disclosure, you actually get a great-looking result by applying a wider bead of caulk on top of your old caulk.  Have you considered what is beneath that new caulk line?  What lies under the old caulk inside your shower or tub?  Well, it could be moisture, which will quickly undo your new caulk’s adherence.  It could also be mildew and mold, which has been caused by the continual moisture beneath the old caulk.  Covering up mold does not eliminate it from your home, or stop it growing.  Mold can continue to grow beneath your old caulk, and release mold spores into the air you breath throughout your home – not just inside your shower.

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How do you avoid these San Diego recaulking mistakes?

At The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro, we never recommend do-it-yourself recaulking, nor do we recommend putting caulk over old caulk.  Call on The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro for our thorough, professional recaulking service.  Our San Diego recaulking professionals will completely remove your old caulk and replace it anew.  Most importantly, we will clean the area beneath your old caulk, and apply a special mold treatment before applying your new caulk.

Also read: Recaulking is a Job for the Professionals?

Don’t seal mold and mildew beneath your new caulk by putting new caulk over old caulk.  If you are ready to discuss your San Diego recaulking service, get in touch with The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro.  Call us at 619-773-0093 or email

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