Does colored grout sealer work?

 In Does colored grout sealer work?, Grout Color Sealing

If you are considering tile grout color sealing in San Diego, choose The Grout Medic for long-lasting results.

If your tiled surfaces are suffering from lackluster grout color, you might wonder whether colored grout sealer actually works.  The answer to this question is not black or white.  The truth is, not all colored grout sealer is the same.  Do not be fooled by a lesser grout color-changing product, because it looks easy to apply or can be purchased inexpensively.  When it comes to caring for your grout, especially regarding sealer, you actually get what you pay for.  You will get sub-par results from a cheap product, such as a grout pen.

chooseing tile grout sealing color

Does colored grout sealer work?

How does colored grout sealer work?

The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro uses only deep-penetrating grout sealing products.  Whether that is a clear sealant or colored, it must be specially formulated to penetrate the pores of your grout.  You might have seen do-it-yourself tutorials online for grout paint.  Do not use paint on your grout lines.  You will see a color change, of course.  However, paint is absolutely not formulated to re-color grout.  You will end up with a huge mess, and potentially tile damage.  The Grout Medic does not skimp on the grout color staining products we use, and your grout will be better for it.  Colored grout sealer is great for a few reasons – for a few uses.

Grout color staining for dramatic effect.

If you love your original tile, but have grown weary with your grout color, The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro can provide an all-new aesthetic.  It matters not whether you wish to change your light color to dark, or dark color to light, our high-quality colored grout sealer will be professionally-applied with dramatic and lasting effect!  The before and after photos below are great examples of how much change is achievable.  The wide grout lines determine overall appearance of the floor.  The lighter grout sealing color makes the room feel brighter.

tile grout color sealing

Grout color staining can completely change the look of your tile.

Grout color sealing for a little change.

As grout ages, it is susceptible to various types of discoloration.  This is especially true on high-traffic floors as well as showers.  The great thing about colored grout sealer is that you don’t have to go for the gusto!  If you wish to even out your stained grout color, or simply enhance the overall aesthetic, The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro can offer a bit of change.  After a deep grout cleaning, we will apply a color-enhancing grout sealing formula to make your tiled surface look fresh and clean once more!

tile grout color sealing before and after

A little grout color change will do your tile good.

Ready to schedule your grout color staining in San Diego? Get in touch with The Grout Medic of San Diego Metro today.  Call us at 619-773-0093 or email

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